arnaudmiribel / streamlit-extras

Discover, try, install and share Streamlit re-usable bits we call "extras"!
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Edit add_logo module with also text for multipages app #204

Open davins90 opened 7 months ago

davins90 commented 7 months ago


Hi guys,

I don't know if this can be helpful, but I've edited the function "add_logo" for the multi-page app, to add also a sort of "title" and "subtitle" under or above the logo, over the list of pages. Can this be a good enhancement? do I have to make a pull request? I'll link the code shortly. Below is a preview:



arnaudmiribel commented 7 months ago

Hey @davins90

This sure sounds like a good idea! Thanks for submitting it. Please go ahead and submit a PR.

You might want to keep in mind that it's better for changes to be retro-compatible, meaning your update to the extra should not break apps for folks that use it already and then upgrade streamlit-extras.

For instance, if you were to add a "text" argument to the function, then it should be defaulted to something that results in the current extra. For example, text=False or text="". Hope that's clear. Give it a try!
