Closed pgtaboada closed 5 years ago
The umlauts should not be an issue, it's should all be UTF-8. What's the @Column package? I assume there a setter for geaendert ?
Quick question, why did you use .defaultHeaders(), it probably not do what you think it those, I should deprecate it ... try without it
so the @Column if that the one from javax.persistence wont work without sfm-jdbc - it provides the AliasProvider hooks for it-. There is another way to specify an alias. it's not as straightforward as it should be - will fix that -.
If you use that
.addAlias("Geändert", "geaendert" )
.stream(isr) .forEach(p -> { repo.getPatienten().put(p.parsedPatientNummer(), p); });
I think it should work
the next release will be easier
.alias("Geändert", "geaendert")
.stream(isr) .forEach(p -> { repo.getPatienten().put(p.parsedPatientNummer(), p); });
Unfortunately, the File is not UTF-8, but I am reading it accordingly:
new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
The Java-Files and therefore the annotation name is indeed UTF-8.
I Removed the "defaultHeaders()" from the configuration, different Problem:
Injection point for on class de.(...).Patient not found
I did not remove the content of "for on class".
have you tried with the mapWith, I created a test for that and with it working?
though injection point is not the error I got. Which version are you running?
I had a very old Version, switched to
compile 'org.simpleflatmapper:sfm-csv:6.0.11'
but it did not really solve the problem: Could not find eligible property for 'Geändert' on class de.(...)SmedPatient not found See
I did not try mapWith, I have 52 properties... :)
is the headers part of the file? then you won't need to specify the property, just need to add the alias. or are you saying you have more than one @Column ?
using mapWith does not mean you are providing a static mapper. the CsvMapperFactory will return a dynamic one which will use the first row as headers.
also you try adding sfm-jdbc to the dependency, that should add support for the javax.persistence.Column
The headers are part of the file, I'll try this way
I found a Problem - the header in the file ends with an ";"...
The CsvMapper thinks this is a new "" column and fails.
Unfortunately, the file in question comes from a third party tool and I cannot fix the header.
Hum it should prob handle that. In the mean time there is a work around I’ll get the code You’ll need to
addColumnProperty(« « , ignoreproperty.instance) or similar on the mapper factory
with the CsvMapperFactory
.addAlias("Geändert", "geaendert" )
.addColumnProperty("", new IgnoreProperty())
.stream(isr) .forEach(p -> { repo.getPatienten().put(p.parsedPatientNummer(), p); });
if the @Column works
.columnDefinition("", CsvColumnDefinition.ignoreDefinition())
.stream(isr) .forEach(p -> { repo.getPatienten().put(p.parsedPatientNummer(), p); });
I'll fix that as well in the next release that should work out of the box
just pushed 6.0.13 to maven central. that should reduce the code needed to just
.alias("Geändert", "geaendert")
.stream(isr) .forEach(p -> { repo.getPatienten().put(p.parsedPatientNummer(), p); });
has it now handles empty trailing headers
Awesome. It worked perfectly after the tips you gave, this is a great lib.
Can you tell how long it takes until it is visible in mvn?
it's there now. thanks for the ticket, those kinds of feedback helps a lot ironing out issues I did not encounter or thought about.
I have a CSV file with this header:
And I am trying to parse using:
CsvParser .separator(';') .mapTo(SmedPatient.class) .defaultHeaders() .stream(isr) .forEach(p -> { repo.getPatienten().put(p.parsedPatientNummer(), p); });
I have the property annotated as following:
@Column(name="Geändert") private String geaendert;
What am I doing wrong? Is it the umlauts?