arnaudroger / SimpleFlatMapper

Fast and Easy mapping from database and csv to POJO. A java micro ORM, lightweight alternative to iBatis and Hibernate. Fast Csv Parser and Csv Mapper
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Question about discriminator mapping. #769

Open Gungrave223 opened 2 years ago

Gungrave223 commented 2 years ago

Background.... let say I have 3 classes as such.

class User {
 private int id;
 private int username;

class Teacher  extends User {
 private int role;

class Student extends User {
 private Detail details;

And I define my mapping base on the example as follow...

JdbcTemplateMapperFactory<Person> mapper =
                .onColumn("type", Integer.class)
                    builder -> 
                            .when(0, Student.class)
                            .when(1, Teacher.class)

I'm current getting the unknown property exception on values that's not apart of the base User class Could not find eligible property for 'Role' on class com.example.User not found

So I would imagine that I need to map the properties for the sub class like I would n to n or n to m relationships but I'm not sure how to accomplish that .... any input into the matter?