arnaudsm / raito

Mini Markdown Wiki/CMS in 8kb of JavaScript
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how to use bootswatch theme 5 (allow dark theme switch) #51

Open zen0bit opened 9 months ago

zen0bit commented 9 months ago

Like your project. But i hate white themes. but someone like it. so best option is

  1. follow user white/dark preference
  2. And or also include white/dark switch
  3. use themes which allows switching (tried but still can't see that switch as in original theme)

Tried in easybashgui change to theme version 5

Not sure what everything needs to be changed.

I think comment out more color definition. so will be used colors from themes?

mckaygerhard commented 6 months ago

hi @zen0bit you here! :smile: could you find a way to use it.. but without affecting issue #49 ? currently essence of raito is to be as minimal and simple as its author says...

This implies that the styles, as you notice, are embedded and only affect the relevant parts: when applying a style framework like "boostwatch" you need to work on the offset of the anchors if there is a menu .. currently the current menu in raito default is some pixles offset from top so when you hit an internal anchor you need this.. if you embeb some components

still i cant find a way to do that cos i dont have such skill for design (cos implics time that i can invest in)