npm test
> grunt-handlebars-static@0.1.2 test /Users/robinqu/Desktop/TTS/tts-web/node_modules/grunt-handlebars-static
> grunt test
Loading "handlebars-static.js" tasks...ERROR
>> TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'registerHelper'
Running "clean:server" (clean) task
Cleaning .tmp...OK
Running "concurrent:test" (concurrent) task
Warning: Loading "handlebars-static.js" tasks...ERROR
>> TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'registerHelper'
Warning: Task "coffee" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Elapsed time
Total 585ms Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Elapsed time
test 517ms
concurrent:test 967ms
Total 1s
npm ERR! weird error 6
npm ERR! not ok code 0
this grunt plugin failed to work.