arnecls / raidplaner

Packedpixel Raidplaner
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Autoattend disable when creating raids #104

Open mizaki opened 9 years ago

mizaki commented 9 years ago

The main problem is we run "normal" raids and also "alt" raids etc. Having people auto attend the alt raids (when they will not attend) is a pita but auto attend is nice also.

A possible solution, as I see it, is to have the option when creating a raid to disallow the auto attend feature for the raid(s).

arnecls commented 9 years ago

This will fit in with issue #9 where you probably don't want auto attends either. The only problem I see here is another option in the raid create UI but I currently don't see another possibility at the moment.

mizaki commented 9 years ago

Looking at the tables, I was thinking that using the Location may be a way to go. That way you can create a location that disables auto attend and stats if required. The only problem is editing the location, as it's rather limited atm.

I can see the benefit of doing it raid by raid as well but using the location for both tasks seems like the best idea to me.

Had you any plans already worked out on this front?

arnecls commented 9 years ago

From a data point of view it does make more sense to couple this with raids as you might otherwise run into creating locations twice which than again might confuse people / cause avoidable input mistakes. Furthermore you would have to consider what to do in case of changing the location later on. As I cannot distinguish between manual and auto attends I cannot rollback the auto attends after a switch back to a "non-auto-attend" location.

So I believe it is better design to couple it with single raids rather than locations.