arnef / coronaapp

Corona App for Ubuntu Touch
7 stars 9 forks source link

Started only the first time #12

Open FakusBaloney opened 3 years ago

FakusBaloney commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I've installed and used this app for some days on my oneplus one with ubports OTA 18. After the first installation I started the app, scanned my vaccination certificate QR code and it smoothly recovered the vaccination information, after that it never started nomore. Juste kept rolling the loading circle on the app splash screen. Today I installed the update and it worked on the first start and my vaccine certification was still available, after that I closed the app and again it never started anymore. It appears to be working only once after installation and once after update. Thanks for any suggestion you can give me. Best regards Fakus

gbdomubpkm commented 3 years ago

Hi. As a suggestion, you can try to delete cache, config, data of the app with UT tweak Tool (in OpenStore) and then delete the app. After, you will have to install again the Covid app and scan again your QR code. Hope that can help you.

arnef commented 3 years ago

Maybe you can share the logs? Hopefully there is a helpful error message in there that leads to the behavior

FakusBaloney commented 3 years ago

Hi to all and thank you. This is really awkward... I'm an ignorant user and I thought to check the log file but I couldn't find it, where is it located?

arnef commented 3 years ago

it's located in the hidden users cache dir:


You should be able to access it with the file manager or pull it directly with adb:

adb pull /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/ .
FakusBaloney commented 3 years ago

Hi again, I couldn't find the log file because it is not there. Apparently when the app fails to start it also deletes the log file. This morning I removed the app, reinstalled it, rescan my QR code and for the first use the app worked. I checked the presence of log file considering to share it later today and it was there, in the directory you suggested me. Then I tried to start again the app and again it didn't start. I checked for the log file and it was gone. I'll try to get it at the next Uninstall-reinstall. Thanks everybody, I'll update this issue as soon as I get the log file.

gbdomubpkm commented 3 years ago

As i said before, did you delete cache, config, data with UTTT before remove the app ? I don't read this in your post. It is important to try this.

FakusBaloney commented 3 years ago

Hi gbdomubpkm, I didn't mention it but I confirm I proceeded as you suggested. After that I reinstalled the application and it behaved as the other times, first run ok then nothing. Thanks

jdn06 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem on my Fairphone 2 with OTA-18. I don't see anything particular in the logs, as the application doesn't log anything when it doesn't start. The logs I have are from the last time it started correctly:

2021/08/02 09:42:12 .:0: Creating a QMirClientScreen now
2021/08/02 09:42:49 .:0: Creating a QMirClientScreen now
2021/08/02 09:48:59 .:0: Creating a QMirClientScreen now
library "/vendor/lib/egl/" not found
2021/08/02 09:49:05 .:0: virtual QMediaService* AalServicePlugin::create(const QString&) "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"
[TT 2021-08-02 07:49:05.874321] [service.cpp:29@instance]
[DD 2021-08-02 07:49:05.913833] [platform_default_sink.cpp:66@make_platform_default_sink_factory] Using hybris video sink
[TT 2021-08-02 07:49:06.143153] [player_stub.cpp:243@PlayerStub]
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::State AalMediaPlayerControl::state() const

2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const

2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual void AalMediaPlayerControl::stop()

[DD 2021-08-02 07:49:06.161837] [player_stub.cpp:192@operator()] PlaybackStatusChanged signal arrived via the bus (status: PlaybackStatus::stopped)
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual void AalMediaPlayerControl::setMedia(const QMediaContent&, QIODevice*)

2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: setMedia() media:  QUrl("file:///system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg")
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const

2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: Setting media to:  QUrl("file:///system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg")
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: mpris.Player.Error.InsufficientAppArmorPermissions: Warning: Failed to authenticate necessary apparmor permissions to open uri: Client is not allowed to access: file:///system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: PlaybackStatus changed to:  "stopped"
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual void AalMediaRecorderControl::applySettings()  is not used
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: (AalImageEncoderControl::setSize) ** Image and thumbnail aspect ratios are different. Thumbnails will look wrong!
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: QObject::connect: No such slot AalImageCaptureControl::onPreviewReady()
Loading module: ''
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: virtual QSGVideoNode* ShaderVideoNodePlugin::createNode(const QVideoSurfaceFormat&)
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: Rendering not enabled, returning without presenting frame
2021/08/02 09:49:06 .:0: Last frame took 43 ms to render.
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
2021/08/02 09:49:33 .:0: Last frame took 33 ms to render.
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
2021/08/02 09:49:50 .:0: Last frame took 109 ms to render.
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
ESC[31mERROESC[0m[0051] NotFoundException: startSize = 0
        ext1: 1, ext2: 0
        ext1: 0, ext2: 0
2021/08/02 09:50:31 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2021/08/02 09:50:41 .:0: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread
2021/08/02 09:50:41 .:0: ** Application has been suspended
2021/08/02 09:52:24 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2021/08/02 09:52:24 .:0: QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
2021/08/02 09:52:24 .:0: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread
2021/08/02 09:52:24 .:0: ** Application has been suspended
2021/08/02 09:52:26 .:0: (AalImageEncoderControl::setSize) ** Image and thumbnail aspect ratios are different. Thumbnails will look wrong!
2021/08/02 09:52:26 .:0: QObject::connect: No such slot AalImageCaptureControl::onPreviewReady()
2021/08/02 09:52:26 .:0: ** Application is now active
2021/08/02 09:53:04 .:0: Creating a QMirClientScreen now

Is there a way to debug the problem at start?

jdn06 commented 3 years ago

I can precise that it often starts after a fresh boot, but it fails to start when you close the app and try to open it later during the same session.

jdn06 commented 3 years ago

I have done some more testings and I think I found something. My Coronaapp only starts if nothing else is started on the phone: no applications. Even a ssh shell from my desktop blocks the start. If I close everything, I can start it again. I see nothing wrong in the memory when the app is running, even if the VSZ is quite high: phablet 8576 2.8 2.7 1060312 53308 ? Tsl 11:22 0:03 coronaapp I hope this will be helpful.

arnef commented 3 years ago

I have done some more testings and I think I found something. My Coronaapp only starts if nothing else is started on the phone: no applications. Even a ssh shell from my desktop blocks the start. If I close everything, I can start it again. I see nothing wrong in the memory when the app is running, even if the VSZ is quite high: phablet 8576 2.8 2.7 1060312 53308 ? Tsl 11:22 0:03 coronaapp I hope this will be helpful.

This is strange. I have no problems if other apps are running. I started almost all installed apps and without any problem the coronaapp. Are you using the armhf or the arm64 version?

jdn06 commented 3 years ago

I use the armhf version.

Log in .cache/upstart/unity8.log when the application fails to start:

[2021-08-06:16:48:13.824] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::Application()
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.825] toplevelwindowmodel: prependPlaceholder(
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.954] qtmir.applications: Application["ubuntu-system-settings"]::setRequestedState(requestedState=suspended)
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.955] qtmir.applications: Application["ubuntu-system-settings"]::suspend()
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.955] qtmir.applications: Application["ubuntu-system-settings"]::setInternalState(state=SuspendingWaitSession)
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.956] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(Window[0x16ff7f0, id=8, null])
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.957] toplevelwindowmodel: prependSurfaceHelper after (index=0,,surface=0x0,id=8),(index=1,appId=ubuntu-system-settings,surface=0x2063410,id=6),(index=2,appId=com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal,surface=0x197c248,id=4)
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.960] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::connection_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.963] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x2063410,"ubuntu-system-settings"]::setFocused(false)
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.983] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_input_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.984] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_input_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.984] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_display_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.985] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_display_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.985] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::screencast_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.985] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::prompt_session_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7573
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.995] qtmir.sessions: TaskController::onSessionStarting - sessionName=
[2021-08-06:16:48:13.996] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::addSession(session=qtmir::Session(0x190ba28))
[2021-08-06:16:48:14.135] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x2063410,"ubuntu-system-settings"]::updateExposure(false)
[2021-08-06:16:48:15.451] qtmir.applications: Application["ubuntu-system-settings"]::setInternalState(state=SuspendingWaitProcess)
[2021-08-06:16:48:15.478] qtmir.applications: Application["ubuntu-system-settings"]::setInternalState(state=Suspended)

Log when it succeeds:

[2021-08-06:16:50:14.839] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::Application()
[2021-08-06:16:50:14.840] toplevelwindowmodel: prependPlaceholder(
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.023] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(Window[0x1d70948, id=9, null])
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.024] toplevelwindowmodel: prependSurfaceHelper after (index=0,,surface=0x0,id=9)
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.029] qtmir.sessions: Wakelock acquired "15"
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.136] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::connection_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.162] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_input_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.162] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_input_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.162] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_display_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.163] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_display_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.163] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::screencast_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.163] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::prompt_session_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb00c494c) pid= 7868
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.170] qtmir.sessions: TaskController::onSessionStarting - sessionName=
[2021-08-06:16:50:15.171] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::addSession(session=qtmir::Session(0x2756af0))
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.910] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::MirSurface(type=normal,state=restored,size=(1080,1851),parentSurface=QObject(0x0))
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.911] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::activate()
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.921] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::registerView(24019936) after=1
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.923] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::setKeymap("fr+oss")
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.965] toplevelwindowmodel: prependSurface surface=qtmir::MirSurface(0x1714dd0), filling out placeholder. after: (index=0,,surface=0x1714dd0,id=9)
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.971] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(0x0)
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.972] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::setFocused(true)
[2021-08-06:16:50:17.974] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(Window[0x1d70948, id=9, MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]])
[2021-08-06:16:50:18.083] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::requestState(restored)
[2021-08-06:16:50:18.171] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::setReady()
[2021-08-06:16:50:18.173] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::setInternalState(state=Running)
[2021-08-06:16:50:18.174] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1714dd0,""]::updateExposure(true)
arnef commented 3 years ago

I made some changes to the start func. could you try the version from the main branch. maybe it fixes the bug

jdn06 commented 3 years ago

Go cross compiling is quite new for me. I tried to build from main on my amd64 Archlinux desktop. I succeeded to build for amd64, but I failed to do for arm. My commands were:

$ export CGO_CPPFLAGS="-isystem /usr/include/qt/QtCore/5.15.2 -isystem /usr/include/qt/QtCore/5.15.2/QtCore"
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build

But the last command failed with:

app/actions.go:13:2: undefined: qml.Changed
app/actions.go:19:2: undefined: qml.Changed
app/state.go:16:8: undefined: qml.Object
app/scanner/scanner.go:22:15: undefined: qml.Window
app/scanner/scanner.go:32:18: undefined: qml.Object
app/scanner/scanner.go:33:19: undefined: qml.Window
app/scanner/scanner.go:48:3: undefined: qml.Changed
arnef commented 3 years ago

I use clickable to build the app.

git clone && cd coronaapp
go get # may exit with errors that ubuntu sdk not found (can be ignored because it's in the available in the clickable environment
export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)
make arm
# or do the steps by hand
clickable build
# or connect your device
clickable devices # must list your device
clickable # does build, install and start the app on your device
arnef commented 3 years ago

I just release v1.2.2 that includes the "fix"...give it a try :)

jdn06 commented 3 years ago

I installed it on my phone from the release, but nothing changed :( I copy the logs from unity8.log below. I don't know if they are useful. Succeeding start:

[2021-08-09:10:46:52.830] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::Application()
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.833] toplevelwindowmodel: prependPlaceholder(
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.974] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(Window[0x16435d0, id=6, null])
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.974] toplevelwindowmodel: prependSurfaceHelper after (index=0,,surface=0x0,id=6)[2021-08-09:10:46:52.982] qtmir.sessions: Wakelock acquired "12"
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.995] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_input_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 9829
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.996] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_input_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 9829
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.996] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_display_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 9829
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.996] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_display_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 9829
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.997] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::screencast_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 9829
[2021-08-09:10:46:52.997] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::prompt_session_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 9829
[2021-08-09:10:46:53.053] qtmir.sessions: TaskController::onSessionStarting - sessionName=
[2021-08-09:10:46:53.053] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::addSession(session=qtmir::Session(0x2567b18))
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.797] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::MirSurface(type=normal,state=restored,size=(1080,1851),parentSurface=QObject(0x0))
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.799] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::activate()
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.810] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::registerView(28050208) after=1
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.812] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::setKeymap("fr+oss")
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.853] toplevelwindowmodel: prependSurface surface=qtmir::MirSurface(0x17fae30), filling outplaceholder. after: (index=0,,surface=0x17fae30,id=6)
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.853] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(0x0)
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.854] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::setFocused(true)
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.856] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(Window[0x16435d0, id=6, MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]])
[2021-08-09:10:46:55.948] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::requestState(restored)
[2021-08-09:10:46:56.060] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::setReady()[2021-08-09:10:46:56.063] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::setInternalState(state=Running)
[2021-08-09:10:46:56.066] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x17fae30,""]::updateExposure(true)

No start:

[2021-08-09:10:48:18.818] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::Application()
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.819] toplevelwindowmodel: prependPlaceholder(
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.821] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::connection_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.912] toplevelwindowmodel: setRootFocus(true), surfaceManagerBusy is false
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.915] qtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0x1849900,"com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal"]::updateExposure(false)
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.922] qtmir.applications: Application["com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal"]::setRequestedState(requestedState=suspended)
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.922] qtmir.applications: Application["com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal"]::suspend()
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.922] qtmir.applications: Application["com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal"]::setInternalState(state=RunningInBackground)
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.922] toplevelwindowmodel: setFocusedWindow(Window[0x17e4f18, id=8, null])
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.923] toplevelwindowmodel: prependSurfaceHelper after (index=0,,surface=0x0,id=8),(index=1,appId=com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal,surface=0x1849900,id=7)
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.942] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_input_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.942] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_input_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.942] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::configure_display_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.942] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::set_base_display_configuration_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.943] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::screencast_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.943] qtmir.mir: SessionAuthorizer::prompt_session_is_allowed - this= SessionAuthorizer(0xb01c4974) pid= 10661
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.946] qtmir.sessions: TaskController::onSessionStarting - sessionName=
[2021-08-09:10:48:18.947] qtmir.applications: Application[""]::addSession(session=qtmir::Session(0x25e7748))

In I found:

2021/08/09 10:46:53 .:0: Creating a QMirClientScreen now
library "/vendor/lib/egl/" not found
2021/08/09 10:47:53 .:0: Last frame took 47 ms to render.
2021/08/09 10:48:19 .:0: Creating a QMirClientScreen now

The "library not found" was already in the previous versions. Is there another place to get logs about it?

j2g2rp commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem on Nexus 5 after adding the certificate. Looks like if there isn't any certificate the app can start without problem. After adding the certificate if you close the app and you tries to open it again sometimes the app simply got stucked on the splash screen. Looks like it happens about 50% of times on stable and more than 90% on RC and Devel channels. If you remove the config file stored on /home/phablet/.config/ the app start without problem but sadly you had lose your certificate ^^' Looks like Restarting the phone doesn't solve anything The log of the application just says: "Creating a QMirClientScreen now"


carlgust commented 3 years ago

I can confirm the behaviour j2g2rp describes:"After adding the certificate if you close the app and you tries to open it again sometimes the app simply got stucked on the splash screen." I don't see a pattern when it starts correctly and when only the splash screen is visible. But it is far less than 50% on my Nexus 5. Also the update from today did not change this behaviour.

randomchars42 commented 3 years ago

First: thanks for the great app!

I can confirm the problem on FP2 (app version 1.2.4):

what does the app cache / load?