arnog / mathlive

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On the virtual keyboard the } key does not return correctly #2417

Closed guillermomartinez closed 1 week ago

guillermomartinez commented 1 week ago


Steps to Reproduce

(Required) Provide steps that are specific and repeatable

  1. I activate the virtual keyboard
  2. Enter the } key
  3. The value returned is ]

Actual Behavior

When I type the } key it returns ]

Expected Behavior

When I type the } key it should return }


MathLive version 0.100.0

Operating System macOS, Windows, iOS. Include the version Windows 10

Browser _Safari, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc... Try several browsers and note Chrome, Edge, Firefox

The problem is on this line { latex: '\\rbrace', key: ']' },

Should be { latex: '\\rbrace', key: '}' },

arnog commented 1 week ago

Thanks for reporting this and tracking down the issue. PRs are also gladly accepted!