arnoudbuzing / webtools

A Wolfram Language package which automates interactions with web browsers
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StartWebSession not working? #10

Closed wjxway closed 6 years ago

wjxway commented 6 years ago

I installed the new WebTools package, but now StartWebSession won't work...... Also when <<WebTools, a warning is generated which said: Set::wrsym: Symbol $SupportedWebDrivers is Protected.

Am I installing the package in the wrong way?

wjxway commented 6 years ago

I've checked the second issue, it's probably caused by a small misspelling: The fourth line in WebTools.m should start with $SupportedWebDrivers::usage

Also, after InstallWebTools[], $Context is "CloudObjectPrivate", kind of wierd for me.

wjxway commented 6 years ago

Errrr, It's probably a bug inside Mathematica, due to the crash of HTTPRequest stuffs.....

arnoudbuzing commented 6 years ago

I think I fixed it, see if this works:

PacletInstall @ ""