arnoudbuzing / webtools

A Wolfram Language package which automates interactions with web browsers
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WebUnit crash after opening certain webpages #6

Closed wjxway closed 6 years ago

wjxway commented 6 years ago

Whenever I try to open a webpage with login panel, WebUnit crashes. Even if I open the webpage manually, after executing arbitrary webpage manipulation program, driver crashes.( Before I execute anything, http://localhost:9515/status returns proper result, however, after execution, which would fail, the localhost webpage becomes unavailable ) I checked this behavior on'm in China, so Google is unavailable......)/my school bbs/my school course system all result in the crash of WebUnit. What's intriguing is that use a pop-up window to display login panel, before I click to show this pop-up window, everything is fine, but after clicking, WebUnit crashes, however, URL of the webpage doesn't change in the progress. How could this possibly happen and how could I fix this? Thanks again!

I checked Google, when I open google's login page, WebUnit crashes as well.

wjxway commented 6 years ago

Some additional information about the crash: code: GetPageHTML[] result: {message->unknown error: missing or invalid 'entry.level' (Session info: chrome=64.0.3282.186) (Driver info: chromedriver=2.29.461591 (62ebf098771772160f391d75e589dc567915b233),platform=Windows NT 10.0.17110 x86_64)} run again then it would return "value" /. ImportString[$Failed, "JSON"] with a lot of bug report.

wjxway commented 6 years ago

Problem solved! The Chrome version is far ahead of driver version, resulting in a bug. Maybe you could consider updating the driver? Directly update the driver would have compatibility issues with Mathematica.

arnoudbuzing commented 6 years ago

I have updated the drivers. Use:

PacletInstall @ ""

to update to this new release, and let me know if this works for you.