arnoweng / CheXNet

A pytorch reimplementation of CheXNet
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Model not working on Real Life Xrays #18

Closed bijoygit closed 6 years ago

bijoygit commented 6 years ago

I have couple of frontal chest x rays which I know have disease. But when I predict it with the model, it shows very less probability for all the 14 diseases.

It doesn't seem to work on real life X-rays

Please help

arnoweng commented 6 years ago

The model was trained on ChestX-ray14, if you want to transfer it to fit another data set, you need to fine-tune this model.

bijoygit commented 6 years ago

how should I define the colours on the final output. Which color denotes an abnormality

Akhiladdh commented 5 years ago

@bijoygit I want to use this model to predict on custom data. Can you please let me know how you used it to do the same? Thank you.