With this improvement the "options" are "optional", in that case the default ones are used
-- -- https://www.notonlycode.org/neovim-lua-config/
-- shortcut -> lhs command -> rhs
-- lhs -> left hand side rhs -> right rand side
function map(mode, shortcut, command, opts)
local options = { noremap = true }
if opts then
options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, shortcut, command, options)
function nmap(shortcut, command, opts)
map("n", shortcut, command)
function imap(shortcut, command, opts)
map("i", shortcut, command)
function vmap(shortcut, command, opts)
map("v", shortcut, command)
-- you can map like this
nmap("<F10>", ':echom "just a test"<cr>')
nmap("<F4>", ":PackerLoad undotree<cr>:UndotreeToggle<cr>", { silent = true })
nmap("<F11>", "<cmd>lua require('utils').flash_cursorline()<cr>", { silent = true })
-- :lua nmap('<F12>', ':echo "It works great!"<cr>')
Hey, thanks, that's a good suggestion! I hardcoded the options in my function just because I always use silent and noremap, but if someone needs more flexibility that's a good tip 👍
With this improvement the "options" are "optional", in that case the default ones are used