aroberge / ideas

Easy creation of custom import hooks to experiment on alternatives to Python's syntax; see
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Operate on encapsulated phrases #10

Closed jrmoserbaltimore closed 3 years ago

jrmoserbaltimore commented 3 years ago

It would be useful to operate on encapsulated phrases. For example:

a = b + operators.mul(3, 7 + 2)

As far as I can tell, we can parse the tokens in order; but there are specific whole contexts. operators.mul() is a single phrase (imagine trying to skip over a function call, which may have parenthesis which may come inside quotes). Inside that are 3 and 7+2. You might say the whole b + operators.mul(3, 7 + 2) is one phrase—a single, whole valid syntax that can contain nested syntax.

aroberge commented 3 years ago

I do not understand what the problem is.

ideas provide an easy framework to create your own import hooks, pre-process files as you wish before either as text files and/or after an abstract syntax tree is created, compile them (into bytecode) and possibly transform the result. All of these text/ast/bytecode parsing and transformations are left to the user and implementing them is outside the scope of this project.

For example, the simplest example shows how a function named transform_source receive the entire source read from a file. You are free to process the source as you wish. I gave some examples doing the parsing phase using the standard tokenization from Python, only because I am familiar with this approach; these are just examples.

Unless I am very much mistaken, what you are asking for is implementing a different kind of parsing - which you can certainly do.

jrmoserbaltimore commented 3 years ago

Fair enough. I'm trying to do just that, from the implicit multiplier example. It's proving troublesome.

def add_reverse_polish(source):
    tokens = token_utils.tokenize(source)
    if not tokens:
        return tokens

    prev_token = tokens[0]
    new_tokens = [prev_token]
    sub_phrase = False
    sub_paren = 0

    token_stack = []
    for token in tokens[1:]:
        # The code has been written in a way to demonstrate that this type of
        # transformation could be done as the source is tokenized by Python.
        if (
              # doesn't have is_op
              token.type == py_tokenize.OP
              and token == "("
            or sub_paren > 0
            # Skip initial open parenthesis
            if token != "(" and token != ")":

            if token == "(":
                print("U 0x %s" % token_utils.untokenize([token]))
                print("U 0 %s" % token_utils.untokenize([token_stack[0]]))
            # track enveloping parenthesis
            if token.type == py_tokenize.OP:
                if token == "(":
                    if sub_paren > 0:
                    sub_paren += 1
                elif token == ")":
                    sub_paren -= 1
                    if sub_paren > 0:
            # At this point, if sub_paren is zero, we're done.
            # The ( and ) are added here
            if sub_paren == 0:
                s = add_reverse_polish(token_utils.untokenize(token_stack) + "\n")
                s = "(" + s + ")"
                s_tokens = token_utils.tokenize(s)
        prev_token = token

    return token_utils.untokenize(new_tokens)

The problem I'm having right now is when I feed this print(a+(2-1)), it doesn't register print as a separate token, and I get oddness:

~>> print(a+(2-1))
U 0x print(
U 0 print(

Somehow token == "(" yet token_utils.untokenize([token]) == "print(".

Aside from that, the above code almost does grab what's inside ( ), then grabs what's inside ( ) inside that, etc.. I haven't figured on how I'm going to handle , yet, and I'm not handling identifying 1 + 1 from a = 1 + 1. It appears to me if you have foo(), then the tokens are ["foo", "("] but the untokenized tokens are ["foo","foo("].

Maybe that's a bug I should put up on token_utils.

aroberge commented 3 years ago

As I mentioned on the token_utils issue, this might be more easily done using Python's own tokenize module as it is meant to work with individual tokens. token_utils is intended to preserve the context in which tokens are found, so that the original source can be recreated exactly with all original spacing, which is not done with Python's tokenize module.