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python as decimal calculator? #48

Closed skirpichev closed 9 months ago

skirpichev commented 9 months ago

Python supports floating point arithmetic of fixed precision (usually something like 53 bits in mantissa). So, "big enough" floating point literals silently truncated:

>>> s = 'x = 3.1111111111111112'
>>> t = ast.parse(s)
>>> v = t.body[0].value
>>> ast.dump(v)

But we could recover all digits!

>>> s[v.col_offset:v.end_col_offset]

Given this, we could transform arbitrary floating point literals to Decimal instances and then do arithmetic. Similar AST transformation could be useful for arbitrary-precision floating point arithmetic libraries in Python (e.g. mpmath) or CAS (e.g. diofant).

Edit: see as an implementation example.

aroberge commented 9 months ago

What's the advantage of this approach over the one illustrated in the following example:

skirpichev commented 9 months ago

Sorry, my bad - I miss that example. This indeed looks simpler at the tokenization phase.

skirpichev commented 9 months ago

On another hand, this heuristics not handle all valid float literals, e.g. 1e-10.