arogozhnikov / hep_ml

Machine Learning for High Energy Physics.
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List of gb_args options #35

Closed PietroBernardiIT closed 7 years ago

PietroBernardiIT commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm using the Gradient Boosted Reweighter object GBReweighter from the hep_ml.reweight package. I was wondering if it could be possible to have the list of the possible options that can be passed to the GBReweighter via the "gb_args" dictionary.

Thanks! Pietro

arogozhnikov commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for reminding.

I'll add description in the next release, but so far: gb_args can contain any parameters that could be passed to hep_ml.gradientboosting.UGradientBoostingClassifier constructor for the except of loss and parameters explicitly available in GBReweighter interface.