arogozine / LinqToTypeScript

LINQ to TypeScript
MIT License
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max() on empty sequence from array throws #17

Closed vgpro54321 closed 2 years ago

vgpro54321 commented 2 years ago

Hello Guys,

IEnumerable<>.max() function in .NET returns null when sequence is empty (semantics maximum is unknown). LinqToTypeScript throws an error. Is this by design?

vgpro54321 commented 2 years ago

Anybody alive?

arogozine commented 2 years ago

By the design.

See here,

under exceptions, It throws InvalidOperationException if 'source contains no elements'

Only outlier to that are nullable numeric types - which would be number | null or similar in TS, I suppose. The library only supports max(this: IEnumerable<number>): number and TSC should error out if you pass anything else in sctrict mode.

vgpro54321 commented 2 years ago

Make sense, thank you!