aroman / elementary-on-a-mac

🏩 How-to: Install elementaryOS and macOS on a Mac
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Revert the process? #15

Open joaovitoriasilva opened 10 years ago

joaovitoriasilva commented 10 years ago

Hi there :D

I loved the tutorial and it works! Best way to dual boot Mac OS with any Linux distro, but if I want to revert the process and do I do it?

I have problems with HiDPi, so I'll try it again when this is fixed or more supported by 3rd party apps.

Cumps, XonaeCom

sdaitzman commented 10 years ago

@xonaecom are you using the process with Elementary OS Freya or Ubuntu? Freya should have full (or near-full) HiDPi compatibility.

Keeping the dual-boot in place has no negative consequences (aside from a minor reduction in space) and you can hide the boot picker (rEFInd) without removing your Elementary OS installation using the following steps:

  1. Open System Preferences and click "Startup disk"
  2. Unlock the pane if necessary, then select your OS X partition and restart

If you do this, you'll be able to use the same process you used in the instructions for installing rEFInd later on - but rEFInd will no longer show up.

If you really want to get back the space from Elementary OS and hide rEFInd:

  1. Open Disk Utility
  2. Select your hard drive and go to the partition tab
  3. Delete all partitions except for your OS X partition (default name is Macintosh HD I believe)
  4. Resize your OS X partition to its maximum size - this could (and should) take quite a long time - _DO NOT_ interrupt the process
  5. Open System Preferences and click "Startup disk"
  6. Unlock the pane if necessary, then select your OS X partition and restart

You're done*!

sdaitzman commented 10 years ago

Let me know how this works for you :)

joaovitoriasilva commented 10 years ago

Like I said it, the problem isn't Freya or its apps, its the 3rd party apps like Spotify or Chrome for example.

I will give it another shoot, but thanks for the quick response. :D

sdaitzman commented 10 years ago

Spotify's HiDPi support is unknown (on Linux) but Chrome/Chromium are currently working on it and have fixes in the works :smile:

For now I'm using firefox - you can go to about:config and search for devpixelsperpx and then change the value to 2 for HiDPi display

sdaitzman commented 10 years ago

What we really need is OS X-like scaling for non-retina apps - when a Mac runs a non-retina supported app it just renders it at normal-DPI and then scales everything up to normal size

joaovitoriasilva commented 10 years ago

Nice, I'll do that in Firefox.

And yes I agree with you in the OS X-like scaling for non-retina apps. Some developers doesn't like it, but is the best way to run non hi dpi apps. Sure it gets a little blurred or pixelated but it's usable and does the job.

sdaitzman commented 10 years ago

An alternate method is disabling UI scaling and setting the resolution to a lower resolution - you won't benefit from the retina display but you also won't have problems with it