aromka / myqcontroller

MyQ Controller for SmartThings
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Login error when retrieving devices #5

Open zcmack opened 6 years ago

zcmack commented 6 years ago

No issues getting the SmartApp added, have tried running the node server on both OSX and alpine linux and am having an issue when retrieving devices.

When the request is made to I receive the following response:

{"ReturnCode":"-3333","ErrorMessage":"Login error. Please login again. (-3333)","CorrelationId":"CorrelationId"}

I've tried restarting the server, re-adding the smart app and configuring on my phone and I still get this response.

zcmack commented 6 years ago

Just for clarity, I truncated the URL to remove my information. My assumption is that Chamberlain made API changes. If I get some time I will try to capture traffic from myq and see what is going on.