aronCiucu / DCSTheWay

Imports waypoints from DCS F10 map into the plane navigation system, like a Data Transfer Cartidge.
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Feature Request: Apache Waypoint types #27

Open TheLurk opened 2 years ago

TheLurk commented 2 years ago


Maybe its planned already but it would be nice if we could specify what type of waypoint we want a waypoint to be. specifically for the apaches different waypoint types.

Waypoint types are selected upon creation of a waypoint but cannot be changed/edited once a waypoint is created.

A full list of possible waypoint types can be provided if needed or found in the apache early access manual.

thank you!

BlueFinBima commented 2 years ago

@TheLurk there is pre-release code in the fork here which gives some ability to achieve what you're seeking. See note #5 at the end of the release notes.

FalcoGer commented 1 year ago

Would also like this if you could select the type and ident from two drop down lists, but also type them manually.

I'd imagine a drop down for the type (WP, HZ, CM, TG) and then a text box and a drop down for the 1-2 letter ident. When the user enters a valid ident, the corresponding entry is selected from the drop down menu. When the user selects an entry using the drop down menu, the correct ident string is put into the text box. When the user enters an invalid ident the drop down menu defaults to "Select Ident..." or something of the sort. On entry into the apache, the text box field is used.

A search function would also be cool.

Here is a list of valid idents, you might have to clean it up a little bit. I indented the stuff that would be most useful, at least in my opinion.

# WP
WP - Waypoint (Default)
CC - Comm Check Point
LZ - Landing Zone
PP - Passage Point
RP - Release Point
SP - Start Point

# HZ (unsure default, didn't test)
TO - Tower over 1000
TU - Tower under 1000
WL - Wires Power (Wires Large)
WS - Wires Tele/Elec (Wires Small)

# CM (Also unsure about default, I think it's CP)
# General
AP - Air Control Point
  AG - Airfield General
AI - Airfield Instrum
AL - Airfield Lighted
F1 - Artillery Fire Point 1
F2 - Artillery Fire Point 2
AA - Assembly Area
BN - Battalion
BP - Battle Position
BR - Brigade or GAP (?)
BD - Brigade
  CP - Check Point
CO - Company
CR - Corps
DI - Division
FF - FARP Fuel Only
FM - FARP Munitions Only
  FC - FARP Fuel/Ammo
FA - Forward Assembly Area
GL - GRND LITE/SM Town (?)
HA - Holding Area
ID - IDM Subscriber
NB - NBC Area (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical)
BE - NDB Symbol (Non-directional Beacon)
RH - Railhead Point
GP - Regiment/Group
US - US Army
# Friendly
  AD - Air Defense Friend
AS - Air Assault Friend
AV - Air Cavalry Friend
AB - Airborne Friend
  AM - Armor Friend
CA - Armor Cavalry Friend
MA - Air Vehicle Maintenance Friend
CF - Chemical Friend
DF - Decontamination Friend
  EN - Engineers Friend
FW - Electronic Warfare Friend
WF - Fixed Wing Friend
FL - Fixed Artillery Friend
AH - Attack Helicopter Friend
FG - General Helicopter Friend
HO - Hospital Friend
  FI - Infantry Friend
  MI - Mechanized Infantry Friend
MD - Medical Friend
TF - Tactical Operations Center (TOC) Friend
FU - Friendly Unit
# Enemy
ES - Air Assault Enemy
EV - Air Cavalry Enemy
  ED - Air Defense Enemy
EB - Airborne Enemy
EC - Armor Cavalry Enemy
  AE - Armor Enemy
ME - Aviation Vehicle Maintenance Enemy
CE - Chemical Enemy
DE - Decontamination Enemy
  EE - Engineers Enemy
WR - Electronic Warfare Enemy
EF - Fixed Artillery Enemy
WE - Fixed Wing Enemy
EK - Attack Helicopter Enemy
HG - General Helicopter Enemy
EH - Hospital Enemy
  EI - Infantry Enemy
  EM - Mechanized Infantry Enemy
EX - Medical Enemy
ET - TOC Enemy
EU - Enemy Unit

# Targets/Threats (TG)
# Misc ADU
AS - ADU Aspide
AD - ADU Friendly
  GP - ADU Gepard
G1 - ADU Growth 1
G2 - ADU Growth 2
G3 - ADU Growth 3
G4 - ADU Growth 4
83 - ADU M1983
U  - ADU Unknown
  S6 - ADU 2S6/SA-19 Tunguska
# Guns
AA - Gun Air Defense
GU - Gun Generic
MK - Gun Marksman
SB - Gun Sabre
GS - Gun Self Propelled
GT - Gun Towed
  ZU - Gun ZSU-23
  VU - Gun Vulcan
# Naval
  NV - Naval Systems
# Radars
  SR - Search Radar
  TR - Tgt Acq Radar
70 - RBS-70
# SAMS, may want to add the Chinese variants and names to the descriptions of the SA-XX.
BP - SAM Blowpipe
BH - SAM Bloodhound
  CH - SAM Chapparal
CT - SAM Crotale
C2 - SAM CSA-2/1/X
  HK - SAM Hawk
JA - SAM Javelin
  PT - SAM Patriot
RE - SAM Redeye
  RA - SAM Rapier
  RO - SAM Roland
1  - SA-1
  2  - SA-2 Guideline (S-75)
  3  - SA-3 Goa (S-125)
4  - SA-4
  5  - SA-5 Gammon (S-200)
  6  - SA-6 Gainful (Kub)
7  - SA-7
  8  - SA-8 Gecko (Osa)
  9  - SA-9 Gaskin
  10 - SA-10 Grumble (S-300)
  11 - SA-11 Gadfly (Buk)
12 - SA-12 Giant (S-300W) (Mod only)
  13 - SA-13 Strella
14 - SA-14
  15 - SA-15 Gauntlet (Tor)
16 - SA-16
17 - SA-17 Grizzly (Buk)
SP - SAM Self Propelled
SH - SAM Shahine/R440
SS - SAM Starstreak
TC - SAM Tigercat
  ST - SAM Stinger
SA - SAM Towed
# Generic
  TG - Target Reference Point (Default)