Open toyo2333 opened 3 months ago
Have you looked at using override in systemd? See systemd supports both cgroups and namespace v2 to lock down the process' access.
It is not too hard to run Goatcounter in Docker - here's my Dockerfile, to be run with vendor/goatcounter
populated with the source:
FROM golang:1.23 AS build
COPY vendor/goatcounter /go/src/goatcounter
WORKDIR /go/src/goatcounter
go build \
-tags osusergo,netgo,sqlite_omit_load_extension \
-ldflags="-X" \
FROM scratch
COPY --from=build /go/src/goatcounter/goatcounter /goatcounter
ENTRYPOINT ["/goatcounter"]
CMD ["serve", "-automigrate", "-listen", ":8081", "-tls", "proxy", "-email-from", "nobody@localhost", "-db", "postgresql"]
Then use PG* variables to set the database parameters. There are complaints about not being able to use port 80, but the higher port still works.
I understand that the author has previously expressed multiple times that Docker deployment will not be supported (because the current deployment method is already simple enough).
However, I still want to explain from a user's perspective why we hope to have Docker support: One GoatCounter is indeed very simple, but when you have 10-20 GoatCounters with different installation methods, data storage, update methods, and backup methods, it’s not so simple anymore.
At this point, the benefits of using Docker Compose become apparent: consistency in data storage and program management. Let me share my example:
1、All my projects are deployed using Docker and are placed in one directory:
I’m writing this mainly to explain the reasoning behind this request, nothing more.