arpa2 / tlspool

TLS daemon with PKCS #11 backend
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Completion of implementation: valexp predicates #29

Open vanrein opened 8 years ago

vanrein commented 8 years ago

The various predicates are not completely implemented in starttls.c yet, and should be. These are the missing pieces:

Note that the rest is working quite nicely -- T and t for instance, as well as I and i as a check for presence of an identity (and only that) and G and g for various global directory patterns, and O and o for various online verifications, and C, c, S, s to check for roles, and F for demanding forward secrecy. On top of that, the logic works very well and the integration within starttls_thread() seems to be quite alright. We have effectively replaced the gnutls_verify() functionality, which is a big step towards the flexible and configurable validation expressions that we aspire for the TLS Pool.

vanrein commented 5 years ago

Added for #85 (Prepare for Quantum Computing):