arpruss / raspberryjammod-minetest

Raspberry Jam Mod for Minetest
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Adding support for Minecraft #6

Open acs opened 4 years ago

acs commented 4 years ago

Hi @arpruss ,

First of all, thank you for your incredible work in Minecraft/Minetest ecosystem. I am reusing/be inspired by several of your developments nin my MC/MT framework McThings ( I specially like your example using Blockly and MT based on Websockets. And it works nowadays!

I am researching how has affected the Python and MC/MT ecosystem. And taking a look how Python and MT are so compatible with MC, the key is the mapping between MC blocks and MT blocks at:

In order to support other way of specifying the blocks (not using ids, but using strings) or new blocks, they should be added to a new map like the above one right?

The plugin is working perfectly in MT 5.1 and 5.2 so your work has survived during 4 years and we can continue enjoying it today. Great job dude!

alfem commented 1 year ago

hi @acs ! What a tiny world!

I am also doing some research about Mine*t and e-learning. Cost of Minecraft is a handicap (and we love free/opensource, you know) ;-)

I am trying to set up an easy to program (graphical) environment for my kids and friends. Tried Minetest with miney but server crashed on login.

Then I found out this port of raspberrypyjam and my brain exploded! It would be perfect! Unluckily I am a bit stuck in the linux installation. Got Minetest working and this mod in the mods folder. But I think I need to replace something in the socket directory.

Do you have some info about this?

abixadamj commented 1 year ago

@alfem Try my blog: (It is in Polish but should be ok.) Also here: You can download 4 GB OVA with configured server.

arpruss commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I've made the mod so long ago that I barely remember anything.

By the way, I think my Scratch setup is probably better than Blockly:

alfem commented 1 year ago

Thanks @abixadamj. In your instructions use /etc/minetest/minetest-valley-of-death.conf but I do not know why. Also your page screenshot shows a minetest version (5.1) but later I read that version 4.6 is prefered to generate the world.

Anyway, I finally switched to this fork: and everything worked fine in my Debian 10 server.

What a lot of fun when I rendered a huge golden sphere and my character got trapped inside! Definitely the /top command is a lifesaver :-)

abixadamj commented 1 year ago

/etc/minetest/minetest-valley-of-death.con - just a name of file which I invented.

Old version of Minetest desktop is better for creating world files for uploading to server.