I ran "bedtool intersect -sorted" with a SNP annotation file in VCF format and gene annotation in gff3. It returned an error that says one line in the SNP file is out of order, but I found there are intersecting results after the error line until the last SNP.
My question is how does bedtools handle these out of order line? Does bedtools intersect ignore the error and keep working? Because my SNP file is huge and I would like to use the current intersecting results if the rest of results are reliable even the SNP file including a line out of order.
The error is:
Error: Sorted input specified, but the file SNP.VCF.gz has the following out of order record
chr20 10 rs879233578 T C . . RS=879233578;dbSNPBuildID=147;SSR=0;VC=SNV
Hi, I ran "bedtool intersect -sorted" with a SNP annotation file in VCF format and gene annotation in gff3. It returned an error that says one line in the SNP file is out of order, but I found there are intersecting results after the error line until the last SNP. My question is how does bedtools handle these out of order line? Does bedtools intersect ignore the error and keep working? Because my SNP file is huge and I would like to use the current intersecting results if the rest of results are reliable even the SNP file including a line out of order. The error is: Error: Sorted input specified, but the file SNP.VCF.gz has the following out of order record chr20 10 rs879233578 T C . . RS=879233578;dbSNPBuildID=147;SSR=0;VC=SNV