arq5x / bedtools2

bedtools - the swiss army knife for genome arithmetic
MIT License
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Switching order of -a and -b paramter in bedtools intersect when -b file is BAM file, outputs BAM header. #497

Closed ghuls closed 5 months ago

ghuls commented 7 years ago
cd test/intersect

bedtools  intersect -a j1.bed -b oneUnmapped.bam
chr1    98650   98704   a1  100 +

$ bedtools  intersect -b oneUnmapped.bam -a j1.bed 
chr1    98650   98704   a1  100 +
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ghuls commented 7 years ago

It might be a more general problem with the parsing order of the arguments.

Example 1 should give the same result as example 4. Example 2 should give the same result as example 3.

$ printf 'chr1\t123456\n'
chr1    123456

$ printf 'chr1\t123456\t123457\n'
chr1    123456  123457

# Example 1
$ bin/bedtools intersect -a <(printf 'chr1\t123456\n') -b <(printf 'chr1\t123456\t123457\n')
ERROR: file /dev/fd/63 has non positional records, which are only valid for the groupBy tool.

Tool:    bedtools intersect (aka intersectBed)
Version: v2.26.0-50-gccdc919-dirty
Summary: Report overlaps between two feature files.

Usage:   bedtools intersect [OPTIONS] -a <bed/gff/vcf/bam> -b <bed/gff/vcf/bam>

# Example 2
$ bin/bedtools intersect -b <(printf 'chr1\t123456\n') -a <(printf 'chr1\t123456\t123457\n')
ERROR: file /dev/fd/63 has non positional records, which are only valid for the groupBy tool.

Tool:    bedtools intersect (aka intersectBed)
Version: v2.26.0-50-gccdc919-dirty
Summary: Report overlaps between two feature files.

Usage:   bedtools intersect [OPTIONS] -a <bed/gff/vcf/bam> -b <bed/gff/vcf/bam>

# Example 3
$ bin/bedtools intersect -a <(printf 'chr1\t123456\t123457\n') -b <(printf 'chr1\t123456\n')
ERROR: Received illegal bin number 4294967295 from getBin call.
ERROR: Unable to add record to tree.

# Example 4
$ bin/bedtools intersect -b <(printf 'chr1\t123456\t123457\n') -a <(printf 'chr1\t123456\n')
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
ghuls commented 7 years ago

After the patch for the first issue, the output of example 4 changed.

# Example 4
$ bin/bedtools intersect -b <(printf 'chr1\t123456\t123457\n') -a <(printf 'chr1\t123456\n')
***** WARNING: File  has inconsistent naming convention for record:
chr1    123456

***** WARNING: File  has inconsistent naming convention for record:
chr1    123456
M-gowda commented 5 years ago

I encountered the same error and I found that my bed files were prepared with windows type "End Of Line". Lesson learnt: make sure the bed files are prepared with linux type end of line (EOL). Solution: open the file in notepad++ How to check: View>show symbols>show end of line. CRLF -> windows and LF-> linux. How to convert: Edit>EOLconversion>Unix(LF)

M-gowda commented 5 years ago

the error was ERROR: file sorted_YH3K9me3.bed has non positional records, which are only valid for the groupBy tool.

dbolser commented 6 months ago

Also see dos2unix on the cli.

I think this can be closed?