arquillian / arquillian-cube

Control (docker, kubernetes, openshift) containers in your tests with ease!
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Explore the possibility of integration with the kubernetes service catalog. #1096

Closed iocanel closed 1 year ago

iocanel commented 5 years ago

Sometimes, integration tests do need a database, a messaging system etc in order to properly run. This is not trivial especially when it comes to cloud provided services (e.g. amazon relational database service). This is where the Kubernetes Service Catalog would shine.

Explore, the possibility of having arquillian-cube integrate with the service catalog in order to allow provisioning of those services via cube.

Note, this is something that should be usable with or without the kubernetes module of cube.

Now, if we took it one step further and leverage the servicecatalog-connector we could possibly be able to even inject a DataSource, ConnectionFactory and what not directly into our tests.

iocanel commented 5 years ago

@lordofthejars: Let me know what you think and if there are additional use cases we can add, so that I can start working on it.

iocanel commented 1 year ago

The ServiceCatalog is long dead, closing