arquillian / arquillian-cube

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[issue-1287] added io.undertow Http2* replacement classes for io.unde… #1295

Open rsearls opened 7 months ago

rsearls commented 7 months ago

…rtow.Spdy* classes

-- REVIEW ACTION REQUESTED -- The files in this PR are intended to replace the io.undertow.Spdy classes with io.undertow.Http2 classes. io.undertow.Spdy class were removed and replaced with io.undertow.Http2 classes. Arquillian-cube implemented class SpdyChannelWithoutFlowControl. New class Http2ChannelWithoutFlowControl has been created to replace it. Is the code appropriate for the task?

Please pay particular attention to PortForward line 261. Is using this.portForwardURI.getHost() the proper reference to use as "defaultHost" in Http2ClientConnection?

Http2ChannelWithoutFlowControl line 19. There are 3 possible constructors to Http2Channel. Is this the proper one to use and are the input parameters appropriate?

Http2ChannelWithoutFlowControl line 33. Is this an appropriate way to handle this IOException?