arquillian / arquillian-governor

Arquillian Governor
Apache License 2.0
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Repository element in jira extension #1

Open kpiwko opened 9 years ago

kpiwko commented 9 years ago

Could jira connector be replaced with one in Maven Central? If not, could a request to have it on Central be filled for authors?

Very bad practice - should be avoided for released components -

smiklosovic commented 9 years ago


this artifact (1) seems to be the one we need and it is already released in Central hence there is a chance we can get rid of the repository element in the pom.xml.

I have already released 1.0.0.Alpha2 yesterday but it is still in staging hence we are lucky. In this special case I would not hesitate to release it once again and rewrite commit history.


kpiwko commented 9 years ago

whatever you'll find the most convenient ;-)

@smiklosovic nice profile picture update btw!

smiklosovic commented 9 years ago

@kpiwko should be better now

Already released and staged, I can push the button at will.

smiklosovic commented 9 years ago

Even we do not have the repository element in the pom.xml, we are relying on an artifact which is in Maven Central but that artifact contains repository element itself, the same one we just deleted hence we just delegated this problem to the external party and we effectively solved nothing.

The proper solution would be to release Jira connector artifacts from Atlassian to Maven Central directly however the result of this request is questionable and out of scope of the alpha2 release because of the lack of time.

I leave this open for tracking purposes.