arquillian / arquillian-governor

Arquillian Governor
Apache License 2.0
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More generic execution decider #42

Open bouskaJ opened 7 years ago

bouskaJ commented 7 years ago

When I have a set of conditions (which depends on issue, for example 'Labels', 'Fix Version/s' etc.) that should affect execution of the test I have no option to do this.

Example: I have an issue which is resolved, but this fix is contained in newer version of product which I test (I test an older one) so I need to look at 'Fix Version' and make a decision affected by this parameter.

I think that decision which is based only on issue status is not generic enough.

smiklosovic commented 7 years ago

you are welcome to implement this, i have no problem with merging it, i will not do that myself as i dont have time for it anymore.