arquillian / arquillian-testrunner-spock

Arquillian Spock TestRunner
Apache License 2.0
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No jacoco coverage with arquillian 1.1.9.Final #21

Open SchlammSpringer opened 8 years ago

SchlammSpringer commented 8 years ago

Hello all together, With Arquillian Core 1.1.9.Final it is possible to use @ArquillianResource without using @RunAsClient. So it ist finally possible to cover such test with jacoco and the jacoco-maven-plugin. The coverage ist correct in a JUnit Test but not in a Spock test with ArquillianSputnik. Does ArquillianSputnikgenerally support the jacoco-maven-plugin and the arquillian-jacoco extension?

kriegaex commented 8 years ago

Oh, and BTW, the guy who reported this is also from our project. ;-) So you see, Bartosz, all ways end in Rome, as the saying goes.

bartoszmajsak commented 8 years ago

Just wondering which circle of hell is this ;)

bartoszmajsak commented 4 years ago

Is it still an issue with the latest 1.0.0.CR1?