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Create Contributor Profile #60

Open aslakknutsen opened 12 years ago

aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

All references to People on the site should be linked/backed by a UserProfile.

The content of the UserProfile could be anything from any source. e.g.

bartoszmajsak commented 12 years ago! :)

mojavelinux commented 12 years ago

I agree all references to people should be linked back to a user profile. Fortunately, I've already created such an object. It just needs to be:

Here's the info about each identity:


I realize this would be a good thing to document in the rdoc of the module (or on the wiki here).

mojavelinux commented 12 years ago

Here's an example usage:


Our key is the github username. I'll apply this to the guides so we have more uses of it.

What would be cool is to have a page for an individual (or a modal dialog like on

Btw, the _config/identities.yml file holds supplemental information.

aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

yea, we used to have a identity that could be looked up based on any known id, email, github, twitter etc depending on where we got the incoming source data from, but that seems to have gotten lost in your rewrite.

Some more info we can automate in the identities registry:

aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

The purpose of the UserPage is of course to give some background info on the person who wrote the guide or blog or is mentioned 'somewhere'.

mojavelinux commented 12 years ago

The lookup functionality wasn't lost in the rewrite by accident ;)

The redesign aligned all identities on a single key, the github username, and built upfront (could still be optimized to cache integrated result).

We can, of course, add helper lookup functions back in, as needed, but we really shouldn't be doing reverse lookups because they are brittle. One exception is twitter...that's reasonable actually.

I do like the idea of a user page that summarizes this information. We have a little of that shining through on the contributors page: (notice the hovers)

One thing that is missing from the remote services is a reliable bio. This could be something we can ask people to fill out.

Btw, G+ integration would be nice :)

aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

Gravatar has the G+ link

aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

The lookup functionality wasn't lost in the rewrite by accident ;) The redesign aligned all identities on a single key, the github username, and built upfront (could still be optimized to cache integrated result).

Sure, but that assumes we actually have the github identity to do the lookup in the first place. E.g. in the Lanyrd stream we only have the twitter id, but of course as you say we can add a get_user_by_twitter() or similar.

mojavelinux commented 12 years ago

Exactly, that's my plan. Add lookup methods for any id that is a root node (in the case if lanyrd it's the twitter username).

What we want to avoid is a lookup on something when we have something better (i.e. no lookup based on name, for surely there must be an id on hand, or we want their to be)

Btw, a commit is on the way for the twitter lookup.

Sent from my CyanogenMod-powered Android device, an open platform for carriers, developers and consumers. On Feb 10, 2012 5:40 PM, "Aslak Knutsen" <> wrote:

The lookup functionality wasn't lost in the rewrite by accident ;) The redesign aligned all identities on a single key, the github username, and built upfront (could still be optimized to cache integrated result).

Sure, but that assumes we actually have the github identity to do the lookup in the first place. E.g. in the Lanyrd stream we only have the twitter id, but of course as you say we can add a get_user_by_twitter() or similar.

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aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

A Full UserProfile could contain something like:

Name: xxxxx (mix of multiple sources) Country: xxxxx (mix of multiple sources) Company: xxxxx (mix of multiple sources) Bio: xxx xxx x x x xx x x x x xx xxxxxx x xx xxx xxx x x x xx x x x x xx xxxxxx x xx

Community Roles: (if available)

Links: (github) (twitter) (g+) (blog) (mix of multiple sources)

Contribution Activity:

Other Open Source Contributions:

mojavelinux commented 12 years ago

Good idea about looking up the roles. I didn't think of that. Though, the definition of role is mixed here. On the one hand it is the role in the source code, and on the other hand it's the role in the project. I think we want to overlay the former onto the latter. The project role will likely be maintained manually.

speaker = true actually has a different purpose. It's intended to mean "primary speakers". Again, there are two definitions.

What I really, really would like is a reverse lookup of usernames from github usernames. We should ping Libor on that.

aslakknutsen commented 12 years ago

speaker = true actually has a different purpose. It's intended to mean "primary speakers". Again, there are two definitions.

It's used today to show 'other talks the main speakers' have right. Do we need to separate between main and community here? If you talk about arquillian, we will 'support you on what you do' the next x months.. :)

I think I have the same feel for this as for Software Extensions. To quote Kohsuke Kawaguchi: Core has to live by the same rules you impose on the plugins. :)