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Comment breaks tuple name inference #644

Open Allon-Guralnek opened 3 years ago

Allon-Guralnek commented 3 years ago

Please do not post any internal, closed source snippets on this public issue tracker!


When creating a tuple, if there is a comment before the first element and that element uses name inference (e.g. (:x)) parsing will fail with unconsumed input. Removing the comment or specifying a name explicitly makes the parsing succeed.

This works:

let x = 42;

Adding a comment causes it to fail with unconsumed input:

let x = 42;
    # hello

Specifying the name explicitly makes it work again:

let x = 42;
    # hello
    x: x   

This issue doesn't happen with members who aren't first:

let x = 42;
let first = 1;
    # hello

Your Environment

$ arrai info
Version    : v0.214.0
Git commit : bf3504b4d161080a22048c923ce0e03f16801df3
Date       : 2021-01-05T04:23:36Z
OS/arch    : darwin/amd64
Go version : go1.15.3 darwin/amd64