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Axis does not scale or moving when zooming in to chart, or moving chart. #223

Open audryste opened 3 years ago

audryste commented 3 years ago

Version built from master several days ago. I used plot2d sample with cmake on Windows. Is it possible that axes would represent real coordinates while zooming or moving chart arround? They seem stuck, or "glued" instead of representing real coordinates during chart/plot inspection.

9prady9 commented 3 years ago

Right now, the axes coordinate values are computed only once when the axes range is changed by calling chart::setAxesLimits. They don't auto-recompute when the object is transformed. Perhaps that can be added but I would have to think through the behavior and corresponding code changes. I won't be able to get to this task in the first half of 2021 I think. Let's keep this issue open as an feature improvement request.

Thank you for sharing your feedback.