arraylabs / pymyq

Python wrapper for MyQ API
MIT License
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Adding locks query functionality #128

Closed wagnerism closed 2 years ago

ehendrix23 commented 2 years ago

So right now this PR includes everything from your previous PR as well. What you want to do 1st is: 1) Have all your changes on your branch (wagnerism/pymyq) committed (or you can stash if you have changes you don't want to commit yet). 2) Refresh from upstream (git fetch upstream master) 3) Now rebase your branch from the upstream/master (git rebase upstream/master)

What this does is it rolls back any commits in your branch that are not in mine (upstream/master). Then it applies all commits from mine to your branch (and thus making both equal). Next it will start applying the commits you had (those that were rolled back) onto your branch. At this time it might come back with conflicts. This means a change in your commit cannot be automatically merged into what is now your updated branch. To find out the file(s) with conflict run: git status shows you the file with the conflict; edit the file and resolve the lines between <<<< | >>>> making sure once resolved you also remove the <<<< | >>>>. Now add the file you just resolved back in by running git add <file>. Once all files are resolved, run git rebase --continue to continue with the rebase. Each time you're doing this your technically resolving a conflict between the branch and 1 commit on your end.

Once the rebase is completed, run the following command to push it to GitHub: git push origin --force-with-lease

This will push all the changes to GitHub but overwriting the history on GitHub with the new rebased history. That is what you want.