arrenglover / openfabmap

Open-source C++ code for the FAB-MAP visual place recognition algorithm
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Precision-Recall Question #12

Closed kmactavish closed 5 years ago

kmactavish commented 8 years ago

Question from @wengxiuling36:

Sorry to bother you.I see you paper "Towards Hierarchical Place Recognition for Long-Term Autonomy". Could I ask you how to get Precison-Recall curves using the New College datasets.I downloaded NewCollegeGroundTruth.mat. FabMap1.0 outputs a matrix psame.But this psame matrix is not a 0-1 matrix,and the high probability entries on the main diagonal indicate the detection of new places. So I set main diagonal element in psame to 0.The matlab code:

psame=psame+diag(-diag(psame)); psame=(psame>=0.99); npsame=length(find(psame==1)); tp=length(intersect(find(psame1==1),find(truth==1))); ntruth=length(find(truth==1)); r=tp/ntruth; p=tp/npsame;

Is it right?I find the ntruth is too big and tp is too small compared to npsame.

kmactavish commented 8 years ago

Hi, there are different ways to build the precision-recall curve.

One option, that you have discovered, is mask out the diagonal (new place detection), and only consider the below-diagonal place-recognition probabilities. You could even mask out a larger diagonal band (so you don't just always match to the previous image)---just explain that that is what you're doing. You will also need to mask those entries out of the truth matrix, since those do not contribute to ntruth---you aren't trying to match to them any more, so they don't contribute to your precision-recall.

By picking a single threshold, 0.99, you will only get a single precision-recall value, not a curve. The curve is generated by sweeping the threshold from 0 to 1, and recording every precision/recall value along the way.

lynnsky commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your advice.But I still don't know how to deal with truth matrix.There are continuous 1 in same row but not near the diagonal band.So how to get the right ntruth.The new matlab code: for k=0:10 psame=psame+diag(-diag(psame,-k),-k); end R=[];P=[]; for k=0:10 truth=truth+diag(-diag(truth,-k),-k); end ntruth=length(find(truth==1)); for ploop=0:0.001:1 psame1=(psame>=ploop); npsame=length(find(psame1==1)); tp=length(intersect(find(psame1==1),find(truth==1))); r=tp/ntruth; p=tp/npsame; R=[R r];P=[P p]; end plot(R,P)

kmactavish commented 8 years ago

The ground truth means that the two frames are within some distance of each other (fixed parameter). So there could be multiple correct loop closures for a query (multiple ones in a row). With high confidence, fabmap only gives you one (since the likelihood is normalized and sums to one). So you will have a whole bunch of false negatives, this is normal. You could filter out these false negatives by 'not counting', in ntruth, those that are 'close enough' to the identified loop closure.

lynnsky commented 8 years ago

With low confidence,fabmap will give multiple ones in a row.So I deal with thentruthlike this: ntruth=length(find(sum(truth,2)>0));%how many lines have 1 in truth ntruth=ntruth+npsame-length(find(sum(psame1,2)>0));% The PR curve is shown follows: 2p n5 tq6fio _bnt gl dh It seems to be right.

haoanw commented 7 years ago

the name of the x and y axis in your figure should be swapped