arrenglover / openfabmap

Open-source C++ code for the FAB-MAP visual place recognition algorithm
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Clustering takes forever #32

Closed mrsaleh closed 4 days ago

mrsaleh commented 1 year ago

On my computer clustering took two days, and still is not completed. here is the configuration file Windows 10 VocabularyTrainData 1.5G Train Video Duration: 3min


# openFABMAPexe Settings File


   #The training data video should be of disjoint, non-overlapping scenes
   #and should not visit the same location more than once

   TrainPath: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\test.mp4"

   #The test video should not overlap with the training video but should
   #have similar environment types.

   TestPath: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\test.mp4"

   #All feature descriptors extracted from the training data. Used to
   #create the vocabulary/codebook

   TrainFeatDesc: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\SIFT_SIFT_ADAPTIVE_vocabularytraindata.yml"

   #All bag-of-words type whole image descriptors extracted from the 
   #training data. Used to create the chow-liu tree and used in the
   #FabMap 'new place' likelihood calculation

   TrainImagDesc: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\BOWtraindata.yml"

   #The vocabulary/codebook itself

   Vocabulary: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\vocabulary.yml"

   #The Chow-Liu Tree itself

   ChowLiuTree: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\tree.yml"

   #The FabMap Test

   TestImageDesc: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\BOWtestdata.yml"

   #The FabMap results

   FabMapResults: "E:\\PositioningSystem\\openfabmap-2.04\\build\\bin\\Release\\results.txt"


# openFABMAP running mode:

# "ShowFeatures"
# "GenerateVocabTrainData"
# "TrainVocabulary"
# "GenerateFABMAPTrainData"
# "TrainChowLiuTree"
# "GenerateFABMAPTestData"
# "RunOpenFABMAP"

Function: "TrainVocabulary"



   # Feature Detection Options
   # "FAST"
   # "STAR"
   # "SIFT"
   # "SURF"
   # "MSER"
   # "ORB"
   # "BRISK"

   DetectorType: "ORB"

   # Feature Detection Modes
   # "STATIC"

   DetectorMode: "ADAPTIVE"


      MinFeatures: 300
      MaxFeatures: 500
      MaxIters: 5


      Threshold: 15
      NonMaxSuppression: 1

      MaxSize: 32 #45
      Response: 10 #30
      LineThreshold: 18 #10
      LineBinarized: 18 #8
      Suppression: 20 #5

      EdgeThreshold: 10
      ContrastThreshold: 0.04

      NumFeatures: 200
      NumOctaveLayers: 3
      Sigma: 1.6

      HessianThreshold: 1000 #400
      NumOctaves: 4
      NumOctaveLayers: 2 
      Upright: 1
      Extended: 0

      Delta: 5
      MinArea: 60
      MaxArea: 14400 
      MaxVariation: 0.25
      MinDiversity: 0.2
      MaxEvolution: 200  
      AreaThreshold: 1.01  
      MinMargin: 0.003  
      EdgeBlurSize: 5   

      nFeatures: 500
      scaleFactor: 1.2
      nLevels: 4
      edgeThreshold: 31
      firstLevel: 0
      patchSize: 31

      Threshold: 30
      Octaves: 3
      PatternScale: 1.0

      Threshold: 20
      NonMaxSuppression: 1

   # Descriptor Extraction Options
   # "SIFT"
   # "SURF"
   # "ORB"
   # "BRISK"

   ExtractorType: "ORB"

#An option to throw away frames with low numbers of different words.
#Setting this to 0 turns off this feature


   MinWords: 0



   # a smaller clustersize increases the specificity of each codeword
   # and will increase the number of words in the vocabulary

   ClusterSize: 0.45



   # a large amount of data is required to store all mutual information from
   # which the minimum spanning tree is created. e.g. an 8000 word codebook 
   # requires 1.2 Gb RAM. Increasing the threshold results in information being 
   # discarded, and a lower memory requirement. Too high a threshold may result 
   # in necessary information being discarded and the tree not being created.
   #A threshold of 0 takes longer and may fail due to memory requirements

   LowerInfoBound: 0.0005


# Method to add new location to the FabMap location list
# "All"
# "NewMaximumOnly"

FabMapPlaceAddition: "All"


   #Detector Model

   PzGe: 0.39
   PzGne: 0

   #The method to calculate the likelihood of a 'new location'
   #Note, FAB-MAP2.0 cannot use mean-field
   # "Sampled"
   # "Meanfield"

   NewPlaceMethod: "Sampled"

   #if using "sampled" method how many samples from training data to use

   NumSamples: 3000

   # The option to switch off FabMap's feature dependency model (Chow-Liu tree)
   # in the likelihood calculations
   # "Naive"
   # "ChowLiu"

   BayesMethod: "ChowLiu"

   # The option to switch on and off the addition of a simple motion model
   # which assumes links between sequential additions to the query space.
   # 0 for False, 1 for True

   SimpleMotion: 0

   # Which version of openFABMAP to run
   # "FABMAP1"
   # "FABMAP2"

   FabMapVersion: "FABMAP2"


      # no additional options


      # precision with which to store precomputed values (decimal places)

      Precision: 6

      # The loglikelihood bound beneath the best hypothesis at which other
      # hypotheses are always retained

      RejectionThreshold: 1e-6

      # The likelihood bound of a hypothesis 'overtaking' the current best 
      # hypothesis, below which hypotheses are discarded. Used to compute delta

      PsGd: 1e-6

      # The largest value of delta when computing it via the bisection method

      BisectionStart: 512

      # The number of iterations to perform the bisection. Bisection accuracy = 
      # BisectionStart / 2^BisectionIts

      BisectionIts: 9


      # no additional options

arrenglover commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrsaleh ,

I think increasing the cluster size ClusterSize: 0.45 will reduce the time taken to cluster. You will also end up with less words in the codebook. If that isn't feasible for your application you could search for any newer/faster methods for clustering.