We have an external microservice that is deployed across namespaces in kubeflow, we want to restrict the access of this microservice to namespace level.
We observed the oidc-authservice has a external authorizer which has been added two months ago, we couldn't find the updated image where the external authorizer is added. It would be of great help if someone can point to the correct image or a blog that has the external auth tested.
Use Case:
We have an external microservice that is deployed across namespaces in kubeflow, we want to restrict the access of this microservice to namespace level.
We observed the oidc-authservice has a external authorizer which has been added two months ago, we couldn't find the updated image where the external authorizer is added. It would be of great help if someone can point to the correct image or a blog that has the external auth tested.
Current setup
kubeflow 1.5 kubernetes 1.21
Old image we were using before external authorizer
New image we used to test the external auth this image gave us 403.
let me know if I missed anything.