arrow1800 / Victron-VirtualBattery

8 stars 2 forks source link

Internal failure added, installer script changed #4

Closed morres83 closed 1 year ago

morres83 commented 1 year ago

I have adapted the installer script to be more easily used

arrow1800 commented 1 year ago

great addon, will reply soon in detail

arrow1800 commented 1 year ago

i will merge this pull request. but i will change 3 things:

CVL on error will be default 54.4 and line 135 -> bus['/Info/MaxChargeVoltage'] = json['MaxChargeVoltage'] will be bus['/Info/MaxChargeVoltage'] = json.get('MaxChargeVoltage') and line 95 will be -> bus['/Dc/0/Voltage'] = round(json.get('Voltage'), 2)