arrowtype / type-x

Test your fonts across the web by easily overriding fonts on any webpage.
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Tabs not consistently updated #109

Open RoelN opened 3 years ago

RoelN commented 3 years ago

Changing the font settings on one tab should execute those changes for all tabs. This is unreliable and doesn't work properly. Tabs that were already open aren't changed.

arrowtype commented 3 years ago

The extension shows an errors log ... maybe this is related?


Context _generated_background_page.html Stack Trace background.js:107 (anonymous function)

stack trace (Click to expand) ``` // Copyright 2019 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Extension variables let stylesheets = []; let updateCount = 0; let prevFonts; const defaultBlacklist = [ ".icon", ".Icon", ".glyphicon", ".fa", ".fas", ".far", ".fal", ".fab", ".font-fontello", ".material-icons", ".DPvwYc", // google hangouts ".Mwv9k", // google hangouts ".NtU4hc" // google hangouts ]; // Query only the active tab const tabsSettings = { active: true, windowType: "normal", currentWindow: true }; chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } initTypeX(); }); function initTypeX() { chrome.tabs.query(tabsSettings, tabs => { for (const tab of tabs) { chrome.tabs.executeScript(, { code: `delete document.documentElement.dataset.updatefont;` }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } } ); } }); { extensionActive: false, fonts: defaultFonts, files: defaultFiles, blacklist: defaultBlacklist }, () => { generateStyleSheet(); } ); } chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => { generateStyleSheet(); }); // Update font when tab becomes active chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(() => {"extensionActive", ({ extensionActive }) => { updateFonts(extensionActive, false); }); }); // Fires when an open tab updates (e.g. following a link) // and when a new tab is opened chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((_tabId, { status }, { active }) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } if (active && status === "loading") {"extensionActive", ({ extensionActive }) => { updateFonts(extensionActive, false); }); } }); // Update fonts across all tabs function updateFonts(extensionActive, updatingCurrentTab) { if (extensionActive) { chrome.tabs.query(tabsSettings, tabs => { for (const tab of tabs) { chrome.tabs.insertCSS(, { code: "html{opacity:0.75!important}", runAt: "document_start" }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } } ); } }); } generateStyleSheet(updatingCurrentTab, () => { chrome.tabs.query(tabsSettings, tabs => { for (const tab of tabs) { injectStyleSheet(, extensionActive); if (updatingCurrentTab) { chrome.tabs.executeScript(, { code: `document.documentElement.dataset.updatefont = "${updateCount}";` }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } } ); } } }); }); } // Injecting the stylesheet is fast, adding a class to // the body isn't. We don't want a delay, so the CSS will // enable the fonts immediately, and we only add a class // when we want to *remove* the custom fonts. function injectStyleSheet(tabId, extensionActive) { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } let stylesheetsCode = stylesheets.join("\n"); stylesheetsCode += "\nhtml{opacity:1!important}"; if (extensionActive) { // Inject CSS to activate font chrome.tabs.insertCSS( tabId, { code: stylesheetsCode, runAt: "document_start" }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } } ); // Remove force-disable class chrome.tabs.executeScript( tabId, { code: `delete document.documentElement.dataset.disablefont;` }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } } ); } else { // Add force-disable class chrome.tabs.executeScript( tabId, { code: `document.documentElement.dataset.disablefont = "";` }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { handleError(chrome.runtime.lastError); } } ); } } function generateStyleSheet(updatingCurrentTab, callback) {["fonts", "files", "blacklist"], ({ fonts, files, blacklist }) => { // Check if fonts have been updated const currentFonts = JSON.stringify(fonts); const same = currentFonts == prevFonts; prevFonts = currentFonts; if (!same) updateCount++; const updateSelector = updatingCurrentTab ? `html[data-updatefont="${updateCount}"]` : "html:not([data-updatefont])"; stylesheets = []; const blacklistSelectors = (() => { let b = ""; for (const blacklistItem of blacklist) { b += `:not(${blacklistItem})`; } return b; })(); for (const font of fonts) { const selectors = []; const axesStyles = []; let fontName =; let stylesheet = ""; for (const selector of font.selectors) { selectors.push(`${updateSelector}:not([data-disablefont]) ${selector}${blacklistSelectors}`); } let axes = false; if (font.axes && Object.entries(font.axes).length) { axes = font.axes; } else if (font.file in files) { axes = files[font.file].axes; } // Only inject variable axes when font has axes, // and we don't want to inherit page styles if (axes && !font.inherit) { for (const axisData in axes) { axesStyles.push(`'${axes[axisData].id}' ${axes[axisData].value}`); } fontName = +; } if (font.file in files) { stylesheet += ` @font-face { font-family: '${fontName}'; src: url('${files[font.file].file}'); font-weight: 100 900; font-stretch: 50% 200%; }`; } const stack = `'${fontName}', ${font.fallback}`; stylesheet += ` ${selectors.join(",")} { font-family: ${stack} !important; ${axesStyles.length ? `font-variation-settings: ${axesStyles.join(",")};` : ""} ${font.css} }`; stylesheets.push(stylesheet); } callback && callback(); }); } function handleError(error) { // console.error(error); } ```