arshidkv12 / phpBolt

Best php encoder - free | Encrypt php source code
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encrypt php #10

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Not working

hacfi commented 3 years ago

@Tech-abm You need to be more specific so you can get some support. What operating system are you on? Which PHP version and which version of phpBolt do you use? What is not working? Which command do you run that doesn't work? Is there an error message?

ghost commented 3 years ago

Bro, I have 2 Question...

01 Your phpBolt commnad is not working. When i run it 👇 itScreenshot_20200829-123755.png

02 How to decrypt Python Code.. I don't understand what is this. So, you give me, how to decrypt python code 👇 Screenshot_20200826-183456.png

hacfi commented 3 years ago
  1. To get this to work you need to create some php code in the path src/noti:
mkdir -p src/noti
echo '<?php echo "hello world";' > src/noti/test.php
php encryption.php

it should output Successfully Encrypted... Please check in <b>...path/to/phpBolt/encrypted/noti</a></b> folder.%

to run the encrypted code you need to use the same key that was used for encryption which in this case is kyc7fh (

You can test this like this:

php -r "define('PHP_BOLT_KEY', 'kyc7fh'); include('encrypted/noti/test.php');"

Of course you need to have the phpBolt extension properly installed! See

  1. This is not the right place to ask how to decrypt that Python code but have a look at to understand more what the marshal module does.
ghost commented 3 years ago

Thank You