arshivbastian / vue

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find special row in data #10

Open arshivbastian opened 5 years ago

arshivbastian commented 5 years ago

was ist das ? wo bin ich ?
dean-what-gif Ok Ok ... breath deeply and bare with me !

actually we want to do like this here : untitled
watch its functionality : 2018-12-22_18-13-03 as you can see you need the codes from issue #9 so read it before getting to this . first you need to create that chat place that is a full HTML CSS project , so I skipped this part and just I share these codes : <h2 style="display:inline-block;color:#fff">{{userToChat}}</h2> as you can see in picture I am only sending a name from allies list to chat . in middle of process we save the name in userToChat then show it in this div . so the data has new variable: userToChat:'Not Picked',

so I need to send the name from ally list to chat by click : <div class="friendsinfo" v-for="(ally, name) in allies" @mouseover="leftoright" @mouseleave="righttoleft" @click="keepactive($event,">
as you can see v-for="(ally, name) in allies" is receiving both item(that we named it ally) and name from ally. in event handler @click="keepactive($event," we are sending html element information and to keepactive function

keepactive(clicked , clickedname) {
        $(".friendsinfo").css('box-shadow','0px 0px 0px 0px');
        this.userToChat = clickedname ; = "9px 2px 25px 7px rgba(171,164,40,1)";

for more lets console.log them : console.log ( : 2018-12-22_18-31-19
console.log ( : 2018-12-22_18-36-55 with these codes you will passing a name from one element to another one . dearsoggygrasshopper-small now you are so happy that you are having a good result BUT what if you need other variables from ur data , what happened to that search part that I said ?

top method is good for passing one variable (in this example name) but when you want to receive an entire row some where else , you have to use the method bellow : STEP1 : you need to add variable to data part as much as you need here I just add one cause I need one :

chatname:'Not Picked',

we store the name of result row to chatname ( you can store more details to different variables ) STEP2 : add those variables to the target element : <h2 style="display:inline-block;color:#fff">{{chatname}}</h2>

STEP3 : now that we create our variables and define our target element now we can use them in a function :
calling function : <div class="friendsinfo" v-for="(ally, name) in allies" @mouseover="leftoright" @mouseleave="righttoleft" @click="keepactive($event,"> we are sending $event (that has element in it) and to our function function itself :
we store $event in clickedand in clickedname

    keepactive(clicked , clickedname) {
        $(".friendsinfo").css('box-shadow','0px 0px 0px 0px'); = "9px 2px 25px 7px rgba(171,164,40,1)";
        for (var counter=0 ; counter<this.allies.length ; counter++){
          if (this.allies[counter].name == this.userToChat ) {
              this.chatname = this.allies[counter].name ;

check piece by piece : $(".friendsinfo").css('box-shadow','0px 0px 0px 0px'); removes the active style ( golden shadow ) from all elements that have class of friendsinfo = "9px 2px 25px 7px rgba(171,164,40,1)"; gives the active style ( golden shadow ) to clicked elements

     for (var counter=0 ; counter<this.allies.length ; counter++){
          if (this.allies[counter].name == this.userToChat ) {
              this.chatname = this.allies[counter].name ;

we create a counter that checks the name we are receiving from click event with all the names in data if finds a match will store it in chatname ( you can store more data and show them some where else )

It was a little complicated but if you try it , you will find the answer of those questions are in your mind ! let me know if you need more help