artasparks / gpub

GPub: Go Publishing for Glift
MIT License
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Lists cause a markdown error #47

Closed dormerod closed 8 years ago

dormerod commented 8 years ago

Ordered and unordered lists that look like:

1. foo
2. bar
3. blah


- foo
- bar


* foo
* bar

Cause a marked error in GPub:

¡p¿An error occured:¡/p¿¡pre¿ordererd is not defined Please report this to¡/pre¿

This isn't a blocking issue because it can be avoided by using an a. b. c. list and lists are relatively rare in Go books (so far there is only one in Relentless).

If it's an easy fix, it might make the formatting look a bit nicer on one page, but we can live without it.

artasparks commented 8 years ago

Huh. I'll take a look