artdarek / oauth-4-laravel

OAuth Service Provider for Laravel 4
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TokenResponseException with Twitter Request Token #109

Open proitn opened 9 years ago

proitn commented 9 years ago

OAuth \ Common \ Http \ Exception \ TokenResponseException Failed to request resource.

When I try to call twitter. The code dies during the requestRequestToken call

$token = $tw->requestRequestToken();

I traced it to this lin Inside of lusitanian/oauth/src/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/AbstractService.php

$responseBody = $this->httpClient->retrieveResponse($this->getRequestTokenEndpoint(), array(), $headers);

my config:

return array(

| oAuth Config

 * Storage
'storage' => 'Session', 

 * Consumers
'consumers' => array(

     * Facebook
    'Facebook' => array(
        'client_id'     => '123',
        'client_secret' => '123123123123',
        'scope'         => array('email'),

     * Twitter
    'Twitter' => array(
        'client_id'     => 'asd',
        'client_secret' => 'asdadsdadssad',


i test with call back but not work.

my code:

public function twitter() { // get data from input $token = Input::get( 'oauth_token' ); $verify = Input::get( 'oauth_verifier' );

// get twitter service
$tw = OAuth::consumer('Twitter', URL::to('auth/provider/twitter'));

// check if code is valid

// if code is provided get user data and sign in
if ( !empty( $token ) && !empty( $verify ) ) {

    // This was a callback request from twitter, get the token
    $token = $tw->requestAccessToken( $token, $verify );

    // Send a request with it
    $result = json_decode( $tw->request( 'account/verify_credentials.json' ), true );

    $message = 'Your unique Twitter user id is: ' . $result['id'] . ' and your name is ' . $result['name'];
    echo $message. "<br/>";

    //display whole array().

// if not ask for permission first
else {
    // get request token
    $reqToken = $tw->requestRequestToken();

    // get Authorization Uri sending the request token
    $url = $tw->getAuthorizationUri(array('oauth_token' => $reqToken->getRequestToken()));

    // return to twitter login url
    return Redirect::to( (string)$url );


Any help would be appreciated, I'm able to use facebook just fine. Its twitter that does this.


nirmal783 commented 9 years ago

try this... public function loginWithTwitter() {

    // get data from input
    $token = Input::get('oauth_token');
    $verify = Input::get('oauth_verifier');

    // get twitter service
    $tw = OAuth::consumer('Twitter', 'http://localhost:8000/oauth/twitter');

    // check if code is valid

    // if code is provided get user data and sign in
    if (!empty($token) && !empty($verify)) {

        try {
            if (!isset($_SESSION['token'])) {
                // This was a callback request from twitter, get the token
                $token = $tw -> requestAccessToken($token, $verify);
                $_SESSION['token'] = $token -> getAccessToken();
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            return Redirect::to('oauth/user');

        // Send a request with it
        $result = json_decode($tw -> request('account/verify_credentials.json'), true);

        $message = 'Your unique Twitter user id is: ' . $result['id'] . ' and your name is ' . $result['name'];
        echo $message . "<br/>";

    //  SocialData::storeTwitterData($result);
        //display whole array().
    //  echo "<a href='logout'>Logout</a>";
    // if not ask for permission first
    else {
        // get request token
        $reqToken = $tw -> requestRequestToken();

        // get Authorization Uri sending the request token
        $url = $tw -> getAuthorizationUri(array('oauth_token' => $reqToken-> getRequestToken()));

        // return to twitter login url
        return Redirect::to((string)$url);
proitn commented 9 years ago

check this code but not work. error: OAuth \ Common \ Http \ Exception \ TokenResponseException Failed to request resource.

georgecoca commented 9 years ago

Same problem here. Anyone knows why?

ndamnjanovic commented 9 years ago

Same here, did you manage to make it work?

oizawa commented 9 years ago

same with me, tried another bitbucket oauth1, it's working fine, twitter on anyone !?

ndamnjanovic commented 9 years ago

I realized that it wasn't token problem, but silly try to post same status twice. Though exception that is thrown is not very clear.

karnash commented 9 years ago

i have the same problem... :( how fix it.... facebook works fine..... :+1:

AlexanderZon commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem :(