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IBC open channels fail #13

Open AlexToTheMoon opened 6 months ago

AlexToTheMoon commented 6 months ago

Hey there, wanted to test IBC module via Hermes, open channels (to osmo-test-5) and transfer tokens. Added key with --hd-path "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" which gave successful result and right value. Added chain to config and passed health check. But at opening channels step, got error which cant really identify.. address type in config is : address_type = { derivation = 'ethermint', proto_type = { pk_type = '/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey' } }

ERROR LOGS : ERROR ThreadId(18) foreign_client.create{client=osmo-test-5->artela_11822-1:07-tendermint-0}:send_messages_and_wait_commit{chain=artela_11822-1 tracking_id=create client}:send_tx_with_account_sequence_retry{chain=artela_11822-1 account.sequence=0}: gas estimation failed or encountered another unrecoverable error error=gRPC call send_tx_simulate failed with status: status: Unknown, message: "unable to resolve type URL /ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey: tx parse error [cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.47.4/x/auth/tx/decoder.go:55] With gas wanted: '0' and gas used: '1168' ", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"content-type": "application/grpc", "x-cosmos-block-height": "635892"} }