artem-panchenko / counter-strike-docker

Docker image for Counter-Strike 1.6 server
Apache License 2.0
84 stars 43 forks source link

cannot build docker image #11

Closed razvanbelcea closed 5 years ago

razvanbelcea commented 5 years ago


Error! App '90' state is 0xE after update job. CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 2 items discarded. CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 3 items discarded. The command '/bin/sh -c /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit' returned a non-zero code: 8

Any idea what's wrong ?

razvanbelcea commented 5 years ago

Fixed it by adding this in Dockerfile:

RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 70 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 10 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 70 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 10 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit

ryzhovalex commented 2 years ago

Fixed it by adding this in Dockerfile:

RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 70 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 10 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 70 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 10 validate +quit || : RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit

To be more correct, this works since ...app_update 70 and ...app_update 10 commands preceding ...app_update 90 and thus properly install required dirs, so complete dockerfile should look like this:

FROM debian:jessie

LABEL maintainer "Artem Panchenko <>"

ARG steam_user=anonymous
ARG steam_password=
ARG metamod_version=1.20
ARG amxmod_version=1.8.2

RUN apt update && apt install -y lib32gcc1 curl

# Install SteamCMD
RUN mkdir -p /opt/steam && cd /opt/steam && \
    curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -

# Install HLDS
RUN mkdir -p /opt/hlds
# Workaround for "app_update 90" bug, see
# REMOVE first command or docker will stuck up on it's error and you will receive notorious  "App '90' state is 0xE" error
# RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit
RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 70 validate +quit || :
RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 10 validate +quit || :
RUN /opt/steam/ +login $steam_user $steam_password +force_install_dir /opt/hlds +app_update 90 validate +quit
RUN mkdir -p ~/.steam && ln -s /opt/hlds ~/.steam/sdk32
RUN ln -s /opt/steam/ /opt/hlds/steamcmd
ADD files/steam_appid.txt /opt/hlds/steam_appid.txt
ADD /bin/

# Add default config
ADD files/server.cfg /opt/hlds/cstrike/server.cfg

# Add maps
ADD maps/* /opt/hlds/cstrike/maps/
ADD files/mapcycle.txt /opt/hlds/cstrike/mapcycle.txt

# Install metamod
RUN mkdir -p /opt/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls
RUN curl -sqL "$metamod_version-linux.tar.gz?download" | tar -C /opt/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls -zxvf -
ADD files/liblist.gam /opt/hlds/cstrike/liblist.gam
# Remove this line if you aren't going to install/use amxmodx and dproto
ADD files/plugins.ini /opt/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini

# Install dproto
RUN mkdir -p /opt/hlds/cstrike/addons/dproto
ADD files/ /opt/hlds/cstrike/addons/dproto/
ADD files/dproto.cfg /opt/hlds/cstrike/dproto.cfg

# Install AMX mod X
RUN curl -sqL "$amxmod_version-base-linux.tar.gz" | tar -C /opt/hlds/cstrike/ -zxvf -
RUN curl -sqL "$amxmod_version-cstrike-linux.tar.gz" | tar -C /opt/hlds/cstrike/ -zxvf -
ADD files/maps.ini /opt/hlds/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/maps.ini

# Cleanup
RUN apt remove -y curl

WORKDIR /opt/hlds

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/"]