artem-zinnatullin / TheContext-Podcast

Podcast about Android Development with Hannes Dorfmann, Artem Zinnatullin, Artur Dryomov and wonderful guests!
Apache License 2.0
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Suggestions for Episode 2 #15

Closed artem-zinnatullin closed 8 years ago

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

Main planned theme is Testing (yay).

Feel free to suggest themes or questions to discuss or just ideas to improve the podcast. You can also suggest kind of "news" but not sure I want to make a news show, so, yeah :cat:

Please notice that we can't record 3 hours episodes so some of the suggested themes may be discussed in next episodes.


Gi-lo commented 8 years ago

You could talk about:

Also personally I would love to know more about and testing with Kotlin at all.

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

@Gi-lo most of the things were already in the list, but thanks a lot, added some from your list!

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

@Gi-lo just wanted to say that


Is not correct comparison :)

Gi-lo commented 8 years ago

Yeah you can actually do both ;) It's more like: TDD and BDD

b1uebyte commented 8 years ago

— Should QAs write some kind of tests? Or that exclusively developer's concern? — Why do we want simulator? Is there any perspectives on that field? — How to organize workflow in team to do better testing?

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

@b1uebyte great questions, added to the list, thanks!

aleksandr-deich commented 8 years ago

What should we do to make 1000+ lines activity testable?

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

@DeychAI great question, added to the list!

sockeqwe commented 8 years ago

I would love to hear your and your guests opinion on if it makes sense to write unit tests and functional UI "integration" tests (i.e. with espresso and only mocking the backend responses) or should we only write functional UI tests since they will test the underlying layers as well. Does testing the underlying layers again with single unit test for each layer / class make sense (testing underlying layers twice, one time with functional UI test, one time with his own unit test)?

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

@sockeqwe got it, will definitely discuss that, thanks!