artemanufrij / playmymusic

An elementary OS app
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Error opening directory "too many files open" #28

Closed echeoquehaii closed 6 years ago

echeoquehaii commented 6 years ago

Program crashes for some reason, getting this message in terminal

(com.github.artemanufrij.playmymusic:27850): WARNING : LocalFilesManager.vala:81: Error opening directory 'directory here' : Too many files open

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

@ghoppaccia thank you for your feedback.

How many files do you have in your library?

echeoquehaii commented 6 years ago

mmh don't know actually, but a lot. It's a 46.2 Gb Music library. Edit: actually I just found out, around 11.000 files.

PS: @artemanufrij thank you for your work and help!

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

@ghoppaccia you are welcome. I'm going to check it next days

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

@ghoppaccia could you test it with last release please?

echeoquehaii commented 6 years ago

Tried yesterday and at first it was working, then after a while, while it was still adding music files, I got a segmentation fault. Don't know if i did something else that might have conflicted, but I'll try again today and see what happens. Thanks!

echeoquehaii commented 6 years ago

That's funny, now first time opened it crashed with this error: (com.github.artemanufrij.playmymusic:4711): GLib-ERROR **: Creating pipes for GWakeup: Too many files open

Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped).

Then tried again and got once again the "Segmentation error (core dumped)"

And now, third time opened seems to be working, still adding music to library.

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

how much file were imported before it crached?

echeoquehaii commented 6 years ago

Mhhh I'm not sure about that unfortunately. I remember a number around 6.500 (or 5.600), but that was the number on the side of the filenames in terminal, I'm not sure if it refers to the total of files in the library or if it's juste the ones imported in that "session" of the app.

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

yes, I mean the ID....

how is it mounted? Samba or NFS?

echeoquehaii commented 6 years ago

Just a normal folder, I only have my /home on a separate partition (in the same HDD)

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

@ghoppaccia can you reproduce this issue with current version?

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

I'm going to close it. I can't reproduce it anymore.