artemanufrij / playmymusic

An elementary OS app
96 stars 26 forks source link

Integrate control of media in sound indicator #6

Closed worldofpeace closed 6 years ago

worldofpeace commented 6 years ago

Some function as the default music app.

dmanlfc commented 6 years ago

Agreed - would be great

SubhadeepJasu commented 6 years ago

Also showing the album artwork in the sound indicator.

SubhadeepJasu commented 6 years ago

notification for song change in playlist.

SubhadeepJasu commented 6 years ago

The two issues are different.

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

bildschirmfoto von 2017-10-09 20 25 22

SubhadeepJasu commented 6 years ago

Yeah this thing. Should be good. Nice!

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

sound indicator was shipped. New release is waiting for testing.

SubhadeepJasu commented 6 years ago
