artemanufrij / playmymusic

An elementary OS app
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Podcasts #73

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Are there any plans to integrate podcasts into this app?

artemanufrij commented 6 years ago

good point. have you tried "" from Nathan?

TanukiKabuki commented 6 years ago

I'd love to see podcast support in Melody. I had been searching for a good music player with a great ui for a while, Melody & Harmony, Harmony however is cumbersome with the plugins and way it pulls music from the internet, are the only currently active ones that are great. Rhythmbox UI is ugly with an awful amount of submenus making navigating to what you really want a pain, Amarok is a cluttered mess, Lollypop is alright, but not intuitive, Tomahawk was a great idea with the plugins for each independent service, but alas another project without enough support to keep it going. While I do enjoy Vocal, its a great app, UI is easy to use and just does what it was made to do. With that said though, simplicity by consolidation is what I'm after. If I can have a single program that manages my music and podcasts, its simpler than having an application for music and an application for podcasts. Realistically though, I will likely stick with Melody + Vocal unless either merge the features of the other.