Closed mozkan007 closed 5 years ago
Please provide more debugging information. This ticket is a good example of what I'd need to investigate the problem.
What kind of an information should I provide you? Because I am an ordinary PC user I do not have any technical knowledge about the programming.Sorry.
Sorry, I forgot to attach the link to my previous message:
_This ticket is a good example of what I'd need to investigate the problem -
Hi again. The issue occurs when I open vpn extension on chrome but there is no problem when I use external vpn software or without vpn. Here is a screenshot. I hope this is what you need. Thanks.
Could you please clear the console (little crossed circle button), turn on vpn extension, try to use transover few times and then paste a screenshot.
I took a screenshot as you said above.
So, "background" script appears to be working fine. Could you now make a screenshot of the DevTools console but on the page you're visiting? If you're on Windows, press CTRL-Shift-i, you'll see a similar UI to the one in the screenshot above. Choose "Console", clear, and then attempt to use tranvsover.
Also, what's the vpn extension?
I am using windscribe extension and I added the screenshot you want above. Thanks.
Amon Amarth - nice!
I installed and activated that extension, transover is still working. Could you give me a link to that website?
Hi, I am trying now again and it is working with the extension at the moment. I guess there was a problem with the extension. Thanks.
Hi, I am using v1.44 and the extension does not work when I connect to internet with vpn extension on Chrome. I guess you need to change apı url because this issue occurred on v1.42 and you solved it using this method. Thanks.