artemis-nerds / protocol-docs

Unofficial documentation for the Artemis network and file protocols, written by the Artemis community
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turnrate units #180

Open NoseyNick opened 4 years ago

NoseyNick commented 4 years ago

protocol-docs defines turnrate as:

turnrate (float, 0-n) How fast the ship turns. This number is in degrees per second divided by 2500. says "The maximum turn rate, in radians per cycle. (~1/50 second)". This would be closer to 2865 degrees/sec

See discussion at where "DizzyKungFu" measures with a stopwatch and comes up with something that's not quite any of the above, but is probably closer to the radians-per-50th-of-a-sec.

Research? Confirm / Deny? Update?

StarryWisdom commented 4 years ago

this is slightly more confusing as it depends on the power % of manouver I can go dig up code but IIRC the turn rate is ((turn rate in xml)*(manouver power %)-0.0005) per time unit

note this means 300% is not 3x the turn rate of 100% and there is a dead zone within which you cant turn I have conflicting comments at hand as to if the time unit is 10 ms, 20 ms